Press release: Akela Hub Launches


Building the product we needed

We know like no other how difficult and boring it is to find the right leads in the jungle of companies and contacts. Therefore we’ve built a platform for internal usage that “accidentally” worked so well that our friends and clients wanted to use it as well.

Therefore we decided to give them access to a beta version of our lead list generation tool and they loved it. As we saw the dire need at more and more companies through referrals, we decided to create an open platform for everyone to use our AI generated lead list platform. And here it is, try it out, enjoy and get rid of the hassle. We would love to hear your feedback as we will do our utmost to improve our product on a weekly basis. We will not become a licensed platform, you can just buy the credits you need and work on a pay-per-use basis. We are confident about the quality and would love to see you back often to make your sales funnel blossom.

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